I evaluated the DAC, AI and HPCD noise in the unit of DARM displacement with the measured data in standalone.
Though frequency dependent artifact is probably different between the DAC on the standalone and one in the mine, it should be enough to estimate the floor level.
This projection just only the direct coupling from output noise to the length motion.
Output noise can excite also Pit/Yaw motions and they can enhance DARM noise via P2L/Y2L coupling.
So same evaluation should be done for other DoF to L.
Noise data
DAC+AI noise used in this projection was measured in klog#31763. It's shown as Magenta curve in Fig. 1 which is a repost from klog#31763. DAC noise without de-whitening filters can be measured with whitening filter with 36dB gain. So it was measured by connecting AI output to the whitening filter. Raw measured data was saved in the unit of ADC counts. A conversion factor of counts to voltage at the differential output of AI is ~9.67e-06 = 1/1638.4 (ADC) * -36dB (whitening gain)
HPCD noise used in this projection was measured in klog#31922 with various de-whitening configuration as shown in Fig.2 which is a repost from klog#31922. Because output noise of HPCD with more than one stage of de-whitening was difficult to measure by using the whitening filter, it was measured by using SR560. In this measurement, input port of HPCD was shorten with 0Ohm. A conversion factor of ADC count for raw measured data to voltage at the differential output of HPCD is ~1.53e-07 = 1/1638.4 (ADC) * 1/2000 (SR560 gain) * 0.5 (single to differential).
These two measurements were saved as /users/Commissioning/data/NoiseBudget/Spectra/2024/1207/dac_noise_with_whitening_on_stda_241125.xml and /users/Commissioning/data/NoiseBudget/Spectra/2024/1207/dac_noise_with_sr560_on_stda_241205.xml
Sum of noise in volt
As noted in klog#31771, the output noise of the HPCD varies with the configuration of the de-whitening filters. So the noise measured with enabling de-whitening, respectively, was used for the projection. On the other hand, DAC+AI noise which was input signal of HPCD was assumed to be suppressed by the design response (1, 2, or 3 stages of z10:p1) of de-whitening filter. Assuming DAC+AI noise and HPCD noise were independent each other, total noise was calculated as the quadratic sum of these two noise. These noise which is output equivalent noise of HPCD in the unit of V are shown in 4 small panels in Fig.3. DAC+AI noise is dominant when de-whitening filter is not engaged. On the other hand, HPCD noise is dominant when more than 2 stages of de-whitening filters are engaged. In the case of engaging 1 de-whitening filter, DAC+AI noise and HPCD noise are similar level.
Quadratic sum of noise computed above is one per 1 coil-magnet actuator. TML and IML/MNL are actuated by 4 and 2 coils, respectively. Assuming output noise of each coil is independent each other, total noise of multiple coils is sqrt(4) times for TML and sqrt(2) times for IML/MNL larger than noise on 1 coil-magnet actuator.
Projection to displacement
Conversion factors of voltage to meter were referred from the parameter of front-end calibration. Actual values for TM, IM, and MN are 3.129e-14m/ct@10Hz, 1.413e-14m/ct@10Hz, and 5.733e-15m/ct@10Hz, respectively. These values are the ones for ETMX and in this projection, it's assumed that all 4 type-A are same efficiency. According to the past CAL measurement such as klog#30899, there is an individual difference as 10-20%. So taking this difference into account makes more precise estimation.
DAC, AI, and HPCD noise contribution to DARM length is coming from all 4 TypeA suspensions. So we need to compute a quadratic sum of the contribution from 4 suspensions. It's correspond to the noise level sqrt(4) times larger than noise level from 1 suspension if de-whitening configuration is same in all 4 suspensions. Because de-whitening configuration is different between suspensions in the observing mode, I computed the total noise as a quadratic sum of 4 suspensions.
Finally, we obtained total output noise projection as shown in large panel in Fig.3. Red curve represents the DARM sensitivity in observing mode at the mid-night on 12/3. Blue, green, brown, and magenta curve represent DAC noise contribution only via TM stage of 4 suspensions without de-whitening, with 1 de-whitening, with 2 de-whitening, and with 3 de-whitening. In these plots, de-whitening configuration is same for all 4 suspensions. According to these plots DAC noise without de-whitening contaminates DARM sensitivity. Because of HPCD noise, engaging 3 stages of de-whitening doesn't make a improvement from the case of engaging 2 stages.
Cyan curve represents the total output noise contribution via all TM, IM and MN stages with a same configuration as observing mode. As shown in Fig.4, 1 stage of de-whitening was engaged on TM for all 4 suspensions in observing mode. For IM, 1 and 3 stages of de-whitening were engaged on ETMs and IMTs, respectively. For MN, 1 and 2 stages of de-whitening were engaged on ETMX and others, respectively. Contribution from IM and MN seems to be negligible above 10Hz because cyan curve closes to green curve which is DAC+AI+HPCD noise via TM.
Estimated output noise is only 8-10 times smaller than the sensitivity around 100Hz. So contribution of this noise may not be negligible for target sensitivity. If 2 stages of de-whitening can be engaged for 4 TMs, output noise contribution can be mitigated as a factor of 0.5. I'm not sure this mitigation is enough for target sensitivity. We may need a low power coil driver in the very near future.
Note that this projection doesn't take into account the Pit/Yaw motions excited by output noise and their effects via P2L and Y2L coupling. So this estimation is still lower limit.