It seems to be because of the oscillation of NBDAMP_R (fig1).
I found that NBDAMP_R was not tuned from 300K, so I tuned it.
I didn't measure OLTF but it seems to wrk well according to the time series of the feedback signals (fig2).
It seems to be because of the oscillation of NBDAMP_R (fig1).
I found that NBDAMP_R was not tuned from 300K, so I tuned it.
I didn't measure OLTF but it seems to wrk well according to the time series of the feedback signals (fig2).
It seems to be because of the oscillation of NBDAMP_R (fig1).
I found that NBDAMP_R was not tuned from 300K, so I tuned it.
I didn't measure OLTF but it seems to wrk well according to the time series of the feedback signals (fig2).
The temp at EYC1F and maybe 2F increased by 0.3C because of the two more cryocooler operations.
I adjusted the Sunrise and Delonghi heaters' power around 9:00 to reduce the temp at EYC area.
The temp at EXC1F and maybe 2F increased by 0.3C because of the operation of two more cryocoolers.
Unfortunately, there is no tool for temperature reduction, even if I turned off 1 FFU. I need more reduction of FFU.
Anyway, the present design of duct shield cooling has no redundancy because there is only one cryocooler for each. We need to consider to add one more cryocooler for each for the reliable commissioning and observation. Otherwise, we will keep losing so much time for the frosting trouble and its recovery.
Or can we recover the frosting on mirrors and windows by only using the IM heaters and window heaters under vacuum conditions?
The BRT4 side of the duct shield is near the mirror. In addition, the duct shield was inserted "inside" the structure of the outer shield of the cryostat itself. So the outgas from the BRT4 area can easily reach the mirror AR side.
The figure 1 shows the past data when the trouble of the cryocooler for the DUCT SHIELD BRT at EX happened.
In this event, the temperature increase continued at the cryocooler head for the DUCT SHIELD BRT, and a sudden enhancement was observed from 78K to 113K. However, the vacuum pressure enhancement seemed to start ~ 2 hours later when the BRT4 temperature reached ~ 157K.
We guess we are now facing the same event.
At that time, the cooling performance seemed to be recovered after ~ 1 day as shown in Figure 2. However, slight frosting was detected on the AR surface of the mirror and windows. Also the temp enhancement at the head of the cryocooler could be the trigger for the cooling performance recovery as observed in the cryocooler for the DUCT SHIELD ARM in EY.
Although we turned on the cryocoolers for the payload, the temp at DUCT SHIELD BRT1/4 kept gradually increasing, according to the increase of the temp at the 50K BRT HEAD. On the other hand DUCT SHIELD ARM4 started slightly decreasing due to the radiation reduction from the 80K shield.
Actually, we have no way to stop the temperature increase of the 50K REFBRT HEAD.
The final trial is to stop the cryocooler for the DUSCT SHIELD BRT until its HEAD temperature reaches 100K, then to restart. This method was tried for the cryocooler for the DUCT SHIELD ARM in "EY", then the cooling performance was recovered and reported as klog#32861.
Because the temp at DUCT SHIELD BRT4 is approaching the critical temp of 157K, we should perform this in the morning of March 3rd in parallel with the OMC vacuum area recovery.
Miyoki, Uchiyama, Ushiba, and Kimura discussed the cryocooler's troubles for the DUCT SHIELD ARM in EY and BRT in EX on Saturday and Sunday morning, then we concluded these strategies, considering trying to take any "renewed" sensitivity data using 2 DCPDs and 10W laser power as early as possible.
The cooling performance for the ARM side duct shield seemed to be recovered. Then the temps at Duct SHIELD ARM1/4 started decreasing before the critical temp of ~ 157K. The timing of the temp reverse at ARM4 seemed to be delayed by one day from ARM1.
No serious vacuum pressure level enhancement at the GV_eya position, etc has not been detected up to now.
That should be a severe case...
> Because the power suppliers for EY IM heater seemed to be in error mode, I restarted them.
This error is caused by a voltage drop in the input AC power supply.
Since a minimum of 85 Vac is available, this means that the voltage has dropped below this level.
I recommend that you first check the quality of the power supply and the environment.
Slides used in a commissioning meeting for this topic: JGW-T2516543
We found that one of the cryocooler's cooling performances was so strange.
Fig.1 shows the REF4 4K/50K HEAD cooling performance is not smooth,c compared with REF2 4K/50K HEAD.
I, Ushiba-kun, and Kimura-san discussed it, and we decided to monitor it until the next morning.
Around 17:30, two EY Payload Cryocoolers started.
Because the power suppliers for EY IM heater seemed to be in error mode, I restarted them. Ushiba-kun checked the healthy status of the power supplier for the IM heater. According to Ikeda-san, the error reset seemed to be possible via LAN. So, we asked him to prepare the reset function for all power suppliers for all Type-A suspensions.
We found that one of the cryocooler's cooling performances was so strange.
Fig.1 shows the REF4 4K/50K HEAD cooling performance is not smooth,c compared with REF2 4K/50K HEAD.
I, Ushiba-kun, and Kimura-san discussed it, and we decided to monitor it until the next morning.
> Because the power suppliers for EY IM heater seemed to be in error mode, I restarted them.
This error is caused by a voltage drop in the input AC power supply.
Since a minimum of 85 Vac is available, this means that the voltage has dropped below this level.
I recommend that you first check the quality of the power supply and the environment.
That should be a severe case...
The cooling performance for the ARM side duct shield seemed to be recovered. Then the temps at Duct SHIELD ARM1/4 started decreasing before the critical temp of ~ 157K. The timing of the temp reverse at ARM4 seemed to be delayed by one day from ARM1.
No serious vacuum pressure level enhancement at the GV_eya position, etc has not been detected up to now.
The temp at EYC1F and maybe 2F increased by 0.3C because of the two more cryocooler operations.
I adjusted the Sunrise and Delonghi heaters' power around 9:00 to reduce the temp at EYC area.
[Kimura, Yasui, Nakagaki]
We installed an automatic closing device on the IFI large gate valve.
The vacuum gauge and GV controller are not yet connected.
Connection and operation test will be done separately.
Pictures: link