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takafumi.ushiba - 23:37 Monday 03 March 2025 (32882) Print this report
IFO recovery and several trial for obtaining current best performance


IFO with 10W DC readout was recovered.
To improve the sensitivity as much as possible with current configuration, I tried to engage 3-stage dewhitening filter for ITMY/ETMY and 2-stage whitening filter for ITMX/ETMX.
Also, I increased the gain of offload of DARM signals at IP stage by 21dB, which might help to reduce the RMS at MN stage.


I tried to lock interferometer with the current best configuration.

Final configuration was as follows:
1. DARM offload at IP stage, additional 21dB from the nominal gain to supress MN stage feedback signals as much as possible.
2. Dewhitening filter, 3-stage dewhitening filters for MN stage except for ETMX, 4-stage dewhitening filter for IM stage, 4-stage dewhitening filter for TM stage of ITMY/ETMY, and 3-stage dewhitening filter for TM stage of ITMX/ETMX.
3. Gains of -0.8 at DHARD_P and CHARD_P to reduce the oscillation of ITMY/ETMY pitch motions (I haven't checked the OLTF and it didn't seem to cause lockloss, so I'm not so sure this modification is good and I didn't change the nominal value).
4. Gain of 0.9 for ETMX_MN_LOCK_L to reduce the 2.6Hz peak in the feedback signals of ETMX_TM actuators.
5. Gain of 0.1 for BPC excitation for ETMY to aviod saturation of TM actuators.

I also modified DARM offset value in LSC_LOCK guardian and OMC lock threshould in OMC_LSC guardian to lock OMC stably with 10W.

Procedure to achieve above setting:

1. Request LOW_NOISING_ETM state to LSC_LOCK guardian.
2. Engage ETMX IMH/IMV dewhitening filters (dewhitening filters for the other suspensions are already engaged from DOWN state.)
4. Request ISS guardian to ISS_LOCKED.
5. Engage ETMX dewhitening filters in the same manner as in LOW_NOISING_ETM.
6. Engage dewhitening filter for ITMY/ETMY.
7. Turn of FM1 (0.1) at ETMY_TM_DITHER_{P,Y} to reduce the BPC excitation amplitude.
8 Request OBSERVATION without lines.

Though we could succeeded to handover from TRAS to OMC and low noising PRMI, IFO lock was not stable enough to measure OLTF of DARM today maybe because of alignment to OMC.
So, we could not check the calibration today, and it would be better to try it again tomorrow after aligment to OMC.

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kenta.tanaka - 21:45 Tuesday 04 March 2025 (32888) Print this report

We continued the several trial for obtaining best performace.

## what we did

### guardian implementaion to engage dewhitening filters in TypeA TM stages

Currently, this engagement of 3-stage dewhitening filters for each TM stage of ITMX, ITMY, ETMY and 2-stage dewhitening filrers for ETMX is done automatically in the LOW_NOISING_SUS_FOR_PRFPMI state of LSC_LOCK.

Also, in ITMX and ETMY cases, the dither excitation for BPCs becomme amplified by the increasing the number of the filter. So we lower the dither amplitude by turining on the 1/10 gain filter in FM1 of K1:VIS-{ITMX, ETMY}_TM_DITHER_{P, Y}, respectively.

### increase CARM IN1GAIN

To reduce the seinsing noise of CARM, we increased the CARM CMS IN1GAIN from -25dB to -13dB, and also, to compensate the overall gain of the CARM loop, we decreased the CARM CMS FASTGAIN from 4dB to -8dB and K1:LSC-REFL_SERVO_SLOW_GAIN. This gain adjustment is done after increasing input power to 10W. we implemented the adjustment in the INCRASING_LAS_POWER of LSC_LOCK (fig.1).

Actually, it seems to be necessary to increase CARM IN1GAIN more but the IFO lost the lock on chaging the FASTGAIN from -8 dB to -9dB maybe due to the CMS switching issue as reported previously (klog29112). So we need the same modification in klog29460 to FASTGAIN as IN1GAIN.

### check VRPnotch frequency in TM_LOCK_{P,Y}

I checked the frequencies of the VRPnotich filtres in TM_LOCK_{P,Y} whether these frequencies reflect the eigenmode frequencies of the resonances of V, R, P at the current temperature. The measurement seems to have been done on 2025.02.21 according to the date in the measurement filename, {I,E}TM{X,Y}_WNI_MN{V,R,P}_202502211804.xml. Therefore, as for ITMX, ITMY, and ETMY, I used the eigenmode frequencies' result from the latest files. As for ETMX, I made a mistake and ran the measurement. So I used the eigenmode frequencies from today's files. There seems to be no changes, except for ITMY Y and ETMX P and Y. I adjusted the frequencies of notich filters in ITMY TM LOCK Y and ETMX TM LOCK {P, Y}.

### Tune the REFL HWP during PRMI lock

This night, PRMI lock acquisition often failed. I found that the power on REFL PDs seems to lower than the one before 9 days (fig.2) even though the REFL HWP angle is the same. So I tuned the REFL HWP angle from 164 deg to 160 deg so that the REFL power get the same during PRMI lock acquisition. Then the succeces rate of PRMI lock acquisition seems to be improved.


## Next to do

  • Tune MICH/PRCL Feed forward control
  • make OMC lock acquistion faster

## Note

OMC lock acquisition takes too loooong time just after the initial alignment to OMC...


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takahiro.yamamoto - 1:04 Wednesday 05 March 2025 (32891) Print this report

I prepared a new model library of the common mode servo on which the latch system was applied to all IN1, IN2, and FAST gains (see also Fig.1).

The latch system was already applied only to IN1 for IMC and CARM servo as shown in Fig.2 and it works fine. So this new model should help to mitigate a loud glitches coming from a timing gap between turning on and turning off of BIO and probably allow to change a gain also for IN2 and FAST as 16dB <-> 15dB and 7dB <-> 8dB with keeping IR lock.

For applying this new model to CARM servo (= k1alspll), we need to take care about Dolphin issue. So I haven't installed the new model yet. It can be applied on next maintenance day.

An amount of the timing gap is slightly different in each BIO card. So a waiting time on the latch system was implemented as a variable named as K1:***-SERVO_BO_DELAY_N in the past work. Though I had considered to prepare independent 3 variables for IN1, IN2, and FAST gains, one variable should be enough because one common mode servo is driven by using one BIO card. So in this update, an amount of the waiting time is a common variable for IN1, IN2, and FAST gain.

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takahiro.yamamoto - 9:07 Friday 07 March 2025 (32917) Print this report
Model update of CARM and IMC Common Mode Servo was merged to k1alspll and k1imc.
This update will be deployed at the same time with the model update to separate input filters for PDs from k1lsc planned as today's main update work.
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