[YamaT, Kamiizumi, Tomura]
We checked what happens to the output when we change the gain from 16dB to 15dB with the IMC Common Mode Servo (S1605810).
1st figure shows the output from OUT2. It shows that the gain first changed to 31dB for ~150us, then became 15dB.
This is due to the timing difference of the digital outputs between 1->0 and 0->1. (2nd figure)
As reported in klog No.26657, Common Mode Servo has different offsets for the different gain settings.
AEL group was asked to adjust the offsets for 16dB and 15dB to be the same for the IMC CM servo, then found a strange behavior while testing it with the DGS test bench.
When we change the gain (of IN1) from 16dB to 15dB, the output (OUT1 or OUT2) looks changing as 16dB -> 31dB -> 15dB.
By looking at the digital inputs to CM servo board, we confirmed that the timing of binary output changing from 0 to 1 is delayed for ~150us from the timing changing from 1 to 0. (2nd figure)
Contec, the manufacturer of the binary IO boards, says this is within the specification of "output response time <= 200usec".
These binary IO boards utlise photo-couplers to isolate the inputs/outputs from the PC power line, and it is normal that the turn-on and turn-off times are asymmetric for photo-couplers.