Request from Ushiba-san
Separate the Payload model into 16KHz and 2KHz models.
model: k1vis{etmx,etmy,itmx,itmy}{p,lsc<New>}
EPICS Channel Changes
Model file changes
Separated LSC processing (k1visetmxlsc) and Payload processing (k1visetmxp) at the input of the ADD module for MN, IM, and TM in the Payload model (k1visetmxp).
Change so that values added only by the Payload model are sent and added on the LSC processing (k1visetmxlsc) side.
The separated Payload model is changed to 2KHZ, and the separated LSC-related processing is changed to 16KHZ.
Combine the NBDAMP model (k1visetmxnb) with the Payload model and delete it.
Reuse dcuid and specific_cpu used in NBDAMP in the LSC-related model (k1visetmxp).
The output of NBDAMP combined with the Payload model was delayed by one sample by adding a unit delay due to the model configuration.
HIERSWITCH in the modified EPICS channel was separated into HIERSWITCH_{l,P,Y} from only L before the modification.
LOCAL_INF was added before ADD in the LSC model.