全モデルの再ビルドと再起動を行いました。 今回、PayloadとLSC側のモデルのDCUIDの付け替えは行わない方針で進めた。 [手順] 1. K1.ipcのコピーを作成。 => K1.ipc.20250210 2. K1.ipcの中身を削除して、ファイルサイズを0byteにする 3. 全モデルのmake1回目 4. 全モデルのmake2回目 5. 全モデルのinstall 6. 全モデルのrestart k1vispr3pの再起動時にハングした。リカバリー済み [確認] > - Confusion of sender/receiver on ITMX as shown in Fig.1 手順4にてmedmを確認したところ解決していたので2回ビルドし忘れでした > - Wrong IPC rate for NBDAMP on ITMY as shown in Fig.2 > - Remaining old info. about NBDAMP on ETMY as shown in Fig.3 > - Mixing of old and new sender info about NBDAMP on ETMY as shown in Fig.4 > - Wrong IPC rate for {PF,MN,TM}OPLEVs for all 4 type-As as shown in Fig.5-7 => ビルド前にK1.ipcから削除が必要でした。 > - Remaining old sender info. on CALCS as shown in Fig.8 => CALCSのビルドが必要でした。 --- All models were rebuilt and restarted. This time, we proceeded with the policy of not replacing the DCUIDs of the models on the Payload and LSC sides. [Procedure] 1. make a copy of K1.ipc. => K1.ipc.20250210 2. delete the contents of K1.ipc and make the file size 0 bytes 3. make1st time for all models 4. second make of all models 5. install of all models 5. install all models 6. restart all models 6. restart all models k1vispr3p hung on restart. Recovered [Confirmation] > - Confusion of sender/receiver on ITMX as shown in Fig.1 I checked medm in step 4 and it was resolved, so I forgot to build twice. > - Wrong IPC rate for NBDAMP on ITMY as shown in Fig.2 > Remaining old info. about NBDAMP on ETMY as shown in Fig.3 > - Mixing of old and new sender info. about NBDAMP on ETMY as shown in Fig.4 > - Wrong IPC rate for {PF,MN,TM}OPLEVs for all 4 type-As as shown in Fig.5-7 => needed to delete from K1.ipc before build. > - Remaining old sender info. on CALCS as shown in Fig.8 => CALCS needed to be built.