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CAL (Pcal general)
dan.chen - 7:08 Thursday 23 January 2025 (32429) Print this report
Pcal parameter evaluation


On December 10th, the WSK system broke down and was repaired (see report). As a result, Pcal parameters associated with WSK changed significantly after this date. However, the final parameters, the conversion factors [W/V] of the integrating spheres, should remain unaffected by this incident.

Policy for Pcal Parameter Configuration

To ensure statistical significance, we decided to use only the final parameters, specifically the conversion factors of the integrating spheres. This approach allows us to utilize data both before and after the incident. As part of this process, we calculated recommended values for WSK-related parameters for each day. The following rules were applied:

  1. If measurement data exists prior to the specified date, all such data was included to calculate an average.
  2. If no measurement data exists before the specified date, the value from the nearest future measurement date was used.
  3. Data from before and after the incident was completely separated, and recommended values were calculated independently for each period.

Currently, a simple weighted average method is used, although we may revise this approach in the future.

Calculated WSK-Related Parameters

  • \alpha_{WSK/GSK}
  • \alpha_{Tx1,2/WSK}
  • \alpha_{RxPD/WSK}
  • (CAL Git: GitLab/cal-onsite-analysis-002/o4/common/2024-11-22_IS_calibration_summary)

Future Tasks
Moving forward, these values will be used to calculate the daily conversion factors of the integrating spheres. Additionally, the error estimation of the recommended values has not yet been performed and will be conducted in the future.

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Comments to this report:
dan.chen - 6:29 Friday 24 January 2025 (32442) Print this report

Using the data mentioned in the previous report, we determined the conversion factor ρ[V/W] for each integrating sphere.
While the detailed reasons remain unclear, there is a slight shift observed on the day of the WSK incident.
Furthermore, a comparison with the O4a data reveals a difference of approximately 1-2%.
This discrepancy is likely attributed to changes in the WSK/GSK measurements (for further details, please refer to the report: klog #30199).

The results of ρ are attached to this report. Note that the mean values are not particularly meaningful, and the range of ±0.5% can be referred to instead.
Additionally, a comparison between the O4a values and the latest results is summarized below:

ρ [V/W] O4a Latest Diff (%)
Pcal-X ρRxPD -0.67704 -0.66582 1.7
Pcal-X ρTxPD1 -1.9055 -1.8966 0.5
Pcal-X ρTxPD2​ -2.6273 -2.5761 2.0

Next step is to estimate the uncertainty and fix how to "average" the data as explained on the previous report.

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dan.chen - 12:34 Thursday 30 January 2025 (32502) Print this report

With Shingo Hido


As reported, we evaluated parameters for the photon calibrators (Pcals).
Based on the results, we updated these parameters in the real-time system.


  • The values of 1/rho_TS, TS/GSK, and GSK/WSK were set to 1.
  • The values of WSK/TxPD1, WSK/TxPD2, and WSK/RxPD were set to be the evaluated rho of each power meter (integrating sphere).
  • The final displacement value with the HIGH_POWER_RX_MON state changed by approximately 1% for each Pcal, which is within expectations.
  • The SDF was cleared in the SAFE state after all changes.


Parameter Inputs

XPcal rho [V/W]

  • TxPD1: -1.89662
  • TxPD2: -2.57611
  • RxPD: -0.66582
  • Optical efficiency Path 1:
    • Measured total: 0.96760
    • Input at each Tx/Rx side: 0.98380
  • Optical efficiency Path 2:
    • Measured total: 0.95152
    • Input at each Tx/Rx side: 0.97576

YPcal rho [V/W]

  • TxPD1: -2.99776
  • TxPD2: -1.11362
  • RxPD: -0.54349
  • Optical efficiency Path 1:
    • Measured total: 0.98271
    • Input at each Tx/Rx side: 0.99135
  • Optical efficiency Path 2:
    • Measured total: 0.9720
    • Input at each Tx/Rx side: 0.98600


  • During the update of the PcalX parameters, we mistakenly entered the reciprocal values for the conversion factors of TxPD1, TxPD2, and RxPD. These values were subsequently corrected.
  • Since the evaluated rho values above have units of V/W, their reciprocals needed to be input into the real-time system.


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