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Shih-hong Hsu - 17:58 Wednesday 15 January 2025 (32344) Print this report
Scattered light noise reoprt: ASD of OPTLV channels and 2024.12.13 data
[Shih-Hong Hsu, Chia-Jui Chou, Hirotaka Yuzurihara, Takaaki Yokozawa]

We wanted to find the relation between the motion of PRM, PR2, PR3 and the scattered light noise in the strain channel.
This report covers two-hour ASD (Fig. 1 to 3) for some optical lever channels at PAY_FLOAT state and analysis of the scattered light noise of 2024.12.13 data, including the spectrogram of strain channel (Fig. 4) and the velocity of PRM, PR2, PR3 (Fig. 5 to 7). The frequencies of the motion of the mirrors are estimated and compared with the frequency of the scattered light noise (klog31911). It is difficult to exclude any mirrors from the possible sources of the scattered light noise from our analysis.

From 2025.01.15 01:13 UTC, Yokozawa-san turned off the damping of the suspensions of PRM, PR2, and PR3. The guardian state was PAY_FLOAT. We made the ASD for three channels:

Detail of the ASD:
start: 1420938798 [s]
duration: 7200 [s]
fftlength: 2048 [s]
xlim: (0.4, 0.5) [Hz]
From the ASD, we can see some peaks from the ASD of each channel:
K1:VIS-PRM_TM_WIT_L_DQ: 0.44971 Hz
K1:VIS-PR2_TM_WIT_L_DQ: 0.46045 Hz
K1:VIS-PR3_TM_WIT_L_DQ: 0.48096 Hz, 0.43262 Hz

For the analysis of scattered light noise on 2024.12.13, we focused on the scattered light noise that happened from 00:16:00~00:17:30 UTC. We made the plots of
1. Spectrogram of Q-transformation of "K1:CAL-CS_PROC_DARM_STRAIN_DBL_DQ" after applying whitening
2. Labeling of the peaks of the arch-shape caused by the scattered light noise in the spectrogram ( JGW-G2416109-v1 )
3. Velocity of the optical levers of "K1:VIS-PRM_TM_WIT_L_DQ", "K1:VIS-PR2_TM_WIT_L_DQ", "K1:VIS-PR3_TM_WIT_L_DQ"
4. Labeling of the peaks on the velocity of the optical levers

The strain is whitened as follows:
1. Read 256 s timeseries from 1418084080 s to 1418084336 s.
2. Estimate ASD by the following parameters
fftlength: 16 [s]
overlap: 8 [s]
method: median
3. Whiten the time series by the ASD
4. Crop 8 s on both ends of the time series
Then, we applied Q-transformation on the whitened time series by the following parameters:
qrange = (30, 30)
frange = (20, 100)

The velocity of the optical levers is calculated by numpy.gradient as the derivative with respect to time on the time series of the optical levers, which are bandpassed with frequency from 0.4 Hz to 0.5 Hz.

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Comments to this report:
hirotaka.yuzurihara - 13:37 Thursday 16 January 2025 (32357) Print this report

Quick summary of information related to the PR[23M] suspensions

  • (2023/12/08) Investigation of scattered light noise
    • We excited the PRM, PR2, PR3 suspension by using the "K1:VIS-{PRM, PR3, PR2}_TM_TEST_L_EXC" channels. However, it was better to exit the upper stage, such as the BF stage or IM stage.
  • (2018/02/21) PR resonant frequency list
  • (2024/08/01) Implementation of PRM length damping
  • (2024/07/30) 0.45 Hz longitudinal resonance damping of PR2
  • (2024/08/01) Reduction of PR3 length RMS
    • To mitigate the PR3 length displacement, the damping filter was implemented in OLDAMP of the BF stage. The bandpass frequency mitigates the frequency of 0.457 ~ 0.553 Hz. In addition, the notch filter for 0.4355 is implemented.
  • (2023/06/26) (2025/01/15)
    • By comparing the Q-transform (klog) and the recent Q-transform (klog), the maximum frequency of the scattered light noise changed from ~80 Hz to ~30 Hz.  So, these damping filters contribute to suppressing the length motion.
  • This morning, I heard that the IR beam might be clipped by the edge of PR2 in the chat of the control room with Michimura-san. (JGWdoc) Does this clipping remain? If so, is this clipping related to causing the scattered light noise?
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Shih-hong Hsu - 23:42 Thursday 16 January 2025 (32364) Print this report

[Shih-Hong Hsu, Chia-Jui Chou, Hirotaka Yuzurihara, Takafumi Ushiba]

In this report, we compared the optical levers' motions within 0.4 Hz to 0.5 Hz in two time segments with and without the scattered light (Fig. 1, 2) noise in the recent lock state interferometer. We wanted to find the potential candidate mirrors causing the scattered light noise. The frequency of the scattered light noise f_sc is 0.437 Hz in this time segment. As a result, the first three optical levers with the closest frequency of the velocity peaks are (Fig. 3 to 5):
BS in the length direction (K1:VIS-BS_TM_WIT_L_DQ: 0.436 Hz)
PR2 in the pitch direction (K1:VIS-PR2_TM_WIT_P_DQ: 0.444 Hz)
ITMY in the pitch direction (K1:VIS-ITMY_TM_WIT_P_DQ: 0.447 Hz)
However, the distribution of the frequencies is from 0.436 Hz to 0.472 Hz (K1:VIS-ITMY_TM_WIT_L_DQ). The difference is 0.036 Hz, and the error calculated from the velocity peaks is 0.035 Hz (K1:VIS-BS_TM_WIT_L_DQ).

The segment with the scattered light noise is from 1419679270 s to 1419679376 s (106 s), and the segment without the scattered light noise is from 1419616848 s to 1419617028 s (180 s). The scattered light frequency is calculated using the method mentioned in JGW-G2416109-v1. The frequency of the scattered light noise f_sc is 0.437 Hz in this time segment.

The channels of the optical levers are listed at the bottom. Besides the optical lever channels, Ushiba-san advised us also to check the 'K1:ALS-X_PNC_SERVO_IN1_DQ' channel. This channel monitors the suspension motion of the PR2. We had done:

  1. Calculate the ASD ratio between the time segments with and without scattered light noise (Appendix 1).
    • fftlength: 64 [s]
    • overlap: 48 [s]
    • method: median
  2. Apply the bandpass filter from 0.4 Hz to 0.5 Hz on the time series of the channels.
  3. Labeling of the peaks on the velocity of the optical levers and calculating the frequencies of the peaks (Appendix 2).

Channel list:


Note: the two-hour ASD plot of PR3 in klog_32344 was not uploaded successfully. I have also attached the two-hour ASD plots for PRM, PR2, and PR3 here.



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