[Ushiba, Komori]
We continued our efforts to reduce the PR3 length RMS as reported in the klog:30638, and we have now successfully installed a narrow-band damping filter.
Ushiba-san measured the precise susceptibility of the PR3 length with a 1 mHz resolution (Fig. 1) to identify the pendulum mode around 0.5 Hz, which we aim to damp, as well as the parasitic resonances nearby.
Based on this measurement, a narrow-band damping filter, including two notch filters, was implemented and tuned to reduce the length motion.
The closed-loop transfer function (1/1+G) with this filter is shown in the top-right panel of Fig. 2.
It demonstrates that the resonant peak is suppressed without significant gain peaking.
I started long-term measurement of the PR2 and PR3 lengths tonight.
The PR3 RMS appears to be even smaller than PR2 at the 0.43 Hz resonance.
I will report on the result later.