[Ushiba, Yuzu]
We performed the noise projection from the measured ADC noise (klog) to the each channel on the CARM CMS and made the plot of overlapping them. See the attached fig. All the projected ADC noise are located below the spectrum, except for 145 Hz (fig) and 375 Hz (fig) of LSC-CARM_SERVO_MIXER_DAQ
- The ADC noise were measured previously (klog) and was recorded in /users/DGS/measurements/ADC/K1ALS0/ALS0_ADC1_CH16-23.xml . I exported the data of CH[20, 21, 22] into the text. (/users/yuzu/work/20240709_CARM)
- I imported them into the diaggui(/users/Commissioning/data/CARM/2024/0723/SPE_CARM_IRX_LOCKED_20240625.xm). I added the calibration to the imported data as follows.
- The switches for FM9 and FM10 were ON at the measurement of the spectrum.
- The calibration from the ADC noise to the input equivalent noise of CARM CMS
- Filter bank from the ADC noise to LSC-CARM_SERVO_MIXER_DAQ : gain 5e-3 * 0.0006104
- Correction from LSC-CARM_SERVO_MIXER_DAQ to the input equivalent noise: 0.31622 (same as klog#30110)
- Total gain: 9.6510344e-7
- The switches for FM1 and FM10 were ON at the measurement of the spectrum.
- The calibration from the ADC noise to the input equivalent noise of CARM CMS
- Filter bank from the ADC noise to LSC-CARM_SERVO_FAST_DAQ : gain 0.0006104*0.5, filter zpk([100, 100], [10, 10])
- Correction from LSC-CARM_SERVO_FAST_DAQ to the input equivalent noise: gain 0.0002503, filter zpk([5.3, 5.3, 10, 10], [0, 0, 1000, 1000]) (same as klog#30110)
- Total gain: 7.639156e-8
- The switches for FM1 and FM10 were ON at the measurement of the spectrum.
- The calibration from the ADC noise to the input equivalent noise of CARM CMS
- Filter bank from the ADC noise to LSC-CARM_SERVO_FAST_DAQ : gain 0.0006104*0.5, filter zpk([100, 100], [10, 10])
- correction from LSC-CARM_SERVO_FAST_DAQ to the input equivalent noise: gain 3.162e-5, filter zpk([10, 10], [1000, 1000]) (same as klog#30110)
- Total gain: 9.650424e-9