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fabian.arellano - 11:49 Tuesday 18 October 2022 (22550) Print this report
Comment to Inter-calibration between LVDT, geophone, and IXV seismometer. (20873)

Given the work reported in klogs 22541 and 22240, I calculated again the intercalibration factor between the seismometer on ground, and the LVDTs and geophones per klogs 22229 and 20873.

The results are as follows:

  • Frequency range: from 140 to 500 mHz (see coherence in Fig. 1).
  • IP-L, Y Arm: a = 1.196 (Fig. 2).
  • IP-T, X Arm: a =  1.175 (Fig. 3).

I added this values to the filter banks at SENSCORR.

This is information about the files I used:

  • Directory: /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/vis_commissioning/sr2/inter_calibration/
  • XML file: SR2_seis_intercalibration_with_LVDT_and_GEO.xml
  • Python script: seismometer_OnGround_Intercalibration.ipynb (it reads data directly from the xml file).
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