[Diego, Yuta, Lucia, Maria, Keiko]
The measurements of the original report were used to recompute the coil balancing of the MCe and MCo mirrors:
- we decided to use the Free Mass Model range to compute the balancing factors, as in this range the response should be less influenced by the weird behaviour that was observed at the DC level for single coils;
- we selected the 15-35 Hz range for PIT and the 5-35 Hz range for YAW, i.e. above the visible mechanical resonances and up to where we still got good coherence in the measurement;
- initially we wanted to linearly fit such data in logaritmic scale, but after plotting the ratio between H(2|3|4) and H1 (see attached plots) we found out that such ratios are reasonably constant, so we decided to just take the average of the ratios instead;
- in the following tables there are the correction factors to the existing driving matrix elements, computed as the mean of the individual factors found for PIT and YAW;
- in the CommissiongWorkshop2017 Dropbox folder there are all the plots and the scripts, with the single ratios used to obtain the following values.
H1 | 1.0 |
H2 | 0.980 |
H3 | 1.111 |
H4 | 1.124 |
H1 | 1.0 |
H2 | 0.957 |
H3 | 0.614 |
H4 | 0.622 |