Komori-kun asked me that where the difference in range estimation between the online channel and SummaryPages comes from. (We have two types of range plots on the SummaryPages. One is computed on the semi-online process and provided as the EPICS channel which is shown also on the MEDM screen in the control room. Another one is computed on the SummaryPages process by using an online strain signal.) I wasn't aware of how SummaryPages was operated in detailed, so I checked source code and configuration files of SummaryPages and found that a filter design used in SummaryPages was bad.
According to the configuration file (k1hoft.ini), 10Hz high pass filter is applied to K1:CAL-CS_PROC_DARM_STRAIN_DBL_DQ. A purpose of this filter is probably to reduce the error of PSD estimation. But if my understanding about the source code of SummaryPages is correct, the current filter design makes us to underestimate the spectrum by 26% (=~2dB) in maximum at 10-100 Hz. A filter design (this is just a simulation of SummaryPages behavior with current configuration file, so it should be cross-checked by someone) is shown in Fig.1. There is too large ripples in a search frequency range.
I haven't checked that this filter can explain whole difference between the online channel and SummaryPages yet. In same FFT parameters, estimated range is close to 10% different between with and without ripples. Anyway, filter design on SummaryPages should be re-considered. Though I'm not sure the scope that affected by the configuration files, all h(t) related plots (ASD, PSD, Spectrogram, etc.) on SummaryPages are probably affected by this issue.
Lesson from this issue: Check filter performance before applying it. Even if CAL group pays efforts to provide signals with better accuracy, it's meaningless if users twist signals a lot before their analyses.