Date of work:
24, Feb, 2025
Kimura and Yasui
We pressurized OMC and OMMT atmospheric pressure for OMC work.
The following is a record of the opening and closing of valves and the pressure of the pressurization process.
The same process is used for k-log 26030. It is noted here for reference.
8:50 Turned on the air compressor near IXC
Turned on the FFU around the OMMT~OMC area
9:07 GVoomt Close
9:17 Pressurization was started by G-2class grade air (klog-25912) .
Pressure in OMC was 4.1 x 10^1 Pa
9:21 " 7.1 x 10^2 Pa
9:57 " 1.1 x 10^4 Pa
9:58 Increased air flow (Open the valve about 1 turn.)
10:08 Cylinder presure 12.8 MPaG
11:15 " 3.8 x 10^4 Pa
11:18 Cylinder presure 9.5 MPaG
Increased air flow (Open the valve about 1 turn. Increase secondary pressure from 0.9 kg/cm^2G to 1.0 kg/cm^2G. )
11:19 " 4.0 x 10^4 Pa
Increased air flow (Increase secondary pressure from 1.0 kg/cm^2G to 1.0 kg/cm^2G. )
12:03 " 7.2 x 10^4 Pa
12:20 " 8.4 x 10^4 Pa
12:40 " 9.8 x 10^4 Pa
Cylinder presure 1.0 MPaG
The pressurization process is terminated because the pressure in the OMC has reached almost atmospheric pressure at 12:40.