Date of work:
19, July, 2023
Kimura, Yasui and M. Takahashi
We pressurized OMC and OMMT atmospheric pressure for repair work.
The following is a record of the opening and closing of valves and the pressure of the pressurization process.
10:37 Pressure in the OMC: 5.5 x 10^-5 Pa
TMP and dry-pump: turned "OFF"
13:28 Pressure in the OMC: 3.8 x 10^0 Pa
13:29 Pressurization was started by G-2class grade air (klog-25912) .
13:31 Pressure in OMC was 2.1 x 10^2 Pa
13:36 " 9.8 x 10^2 Pa
13:57 " 5.5 x 10^3 Pa
14:09 " 7.9 x 10^3 Pa
14:13 " 9.2 x 10^3 Pa
Increased air flow
14:18 " 1.0 x 10^4 Pa
14:27 " 1.2 x 10^4 Pa
14:59 " 2.0 x 10^4 Pa
Increased air flow
15:52 " 5.9 x 10^4 Pa
15:54 " 6.4 x 10^4 Pa
16:04 " 7.4 x 10^4 Pa
16:09 " 7.9 x 10^4 Pa
16:15 " 8.4 x 10^4 Pa
16:25 " 9.3 x 10^4 Pa
16:30 The pressurization process is terminated because the pressure in the OMC has reached atmospheric pressure.
The volume of high-purity air used was approximately 6.56 m^3 (atmospheric pressure equivalent).