[Dan, Tanaka, Yokozawa, Ushiba]
In this morning, IFO often lost lock at LOW_NOISING_SUS_FOR_PRFPMI state.
After several investigations, we found that the lockloss happened due to the glitches when dewhitening filters were turned on.
Figure 1 shows the PRCL and MICH error signals when PR3 dewhitening filters were engaged in this morning.
Figure 2 shows the same signals in last week: the glitches were much smaller than those today.
Since we modified the real-time model related to dewhitening filters on last Friday, we suspected the order of dewhitening filter engagement.
So, we checked the signals by turning on dewhitening filter manually in the following condition.
1. Turn on the first stage dewhitening filter: no glitch (or very small glitches).
2. Turn on the second state dewhitening filter: slightly large glitches compared to the case 1.
3. Turn on the third state dewhitening filter: large glitches.
After that, we tested the swapping of dewhitening filter setting as follows:
1. Turn on the first stage of dewhitening filter and switch it to the second stage dewhitening filter: no glitch (or very small glitches).
2. Turn on the first stage of dewhitening filter and switch it to the third stage dewhitening filter: slightly large glitches compared to the case 1.
3. Turn on the second stage of dewhitening filter and switch it to the third stage dewhitening filter: no glitch (or very small glitches).
According to the results, we can switch the dewhitening filter from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 without large glitches.
So, we modified the VIS params to engage the first stage dewhitening filter and then switch to second and third step by step.
After this modification, IFO can pass the state of LOW_NOISING_SUS_FOR_PRFPMI state.
I picked up PR3 case but we could observe similar glitches on all Type-Bp and BS (we didn't check the other suspensions but probably same thing happen).
We are still not sure why the dewhitening filter makes glitches when turning on from 2nd or 3rd stages but one possibility might be the order of FMs at COILOUTF.
Currently, when the 3rd stage of dewhitening filter is turned on, FM3 instead of FM1 is turned off to compensate the analog low-pass filter while it was FM1, which might affect the signals.
So, we need to check if our guess is correct or not.