Yokozawa-san performed a broadband acoustic injection for the OMC area, from 2024-11-11 02:04:00 UTC, with DAC output = 10,000 count.
I analyzed this data same as klog31293.
- reference data: 128s from 2024-11-11 02:01:00 UTC
- injection data: 128s from 2024-11-11 02:04:00 UTC
These results are attached:
- Fig.1: spectrograms and ASDs around this time
- Fig. 2: ASDs and Coherences with MIC, for each channel, ref and inj
- Fig. 3: CF and Projection of MIC -> Geophone
- Fig. 4: CF and Projection of MIC -> OMC error
- Fig. 5: CF and Projection of Geophone -> OMC error
- Fig. 6: ASDs and Coherences with MIC, for (OMC error)^2, ref and inj
- Fig.7: Zooming up of Fig.6, at 80-200Hz
- Fig.8: Coherence between the OMC trans PD and the OMC error (linear, squared)
- Fig. 9: TF amplitude of OMC error -> OMC trans PD
- Fig. 10: TF amplitude of (OMC error)^2 -> OMC trans PD
- Fig. 11: Projection of the OMC error (linear, squared) -> the OMC trans PD
- Fig. 12: Comparison between Oct.12 and Nov.11