[Yokozwa, Ushiba]
We prepared sensing matrix of BS WFS.
Since BS signals on POP QPDA2 RF17 signals seemed to be diagonalized from the other DoFs except for the ARM DoFs (according to klog31128, BS signals and the other DoFs on POP QPDA2 RF17 have a large angle), we plan to use these signals to control BS (ARM DoFs will be supressed by ASC, so the coupling from these signals are not so serious problem, hoprefully).
Figure 1 and 2 show the sensing matrix for pitch and yaw, respectively.
After setting the sensing matrix, Yokozawa-san checked the performance of the new sensing matrix by using scripts (klog31145).
Though pitchcoupling seems still remained while yaw coupling seems well supressed, we will try this sensing matrix for BS ASC anyway.