[Obayashi, Washimi]
We investigated some positions in the CS to make a Large Coil for Magnetic Injection.
As coil shapes, we are considering the following options:
- 4m x 4m square (Virgo-like: https://logbook.virgo-gw.eu/virgo/?r=49094)
- 4m x 4m bent square (LIGO-like: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=52395)
- 6m x 2m rectangle
- (-X, +Y) area
- We found the unused cable rack at a height of 2.0 m from the ground (Fig.1). It looks possible to locate a 6m x 2m rectangle coile here, without any additional equipment (Fig.2)
- There is enough space to locate a 4m x 4m square coile here, but it is necessary to create new additional equipment (Fig.3)
- (-X, -Y) area
- (+X, +Y) area
- The height of the upper cable rack is 4.5 m from the ground and the width of the PEM shelves is about 4.0 m. (Fig. 6)
- Other areas