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takafumi.ushiba - 20:50 Friday 21 June 2024 (30052) Print this report
Health check of OMMT1

I performed OMMT1 health check.
Figure 1-7 show the TFs from each DoF.

Compared with the TFs in 2023 (klog25967), H3 to H3 transfer function (fig6) looks strange (we can see only small L resonant peak around 0.95 Hz though there was clear peak before).
I have no idea what happens.


Though measured TF phase is same as before, the definition of actuator sign is completely opposite from the nominal one.
Nominal sign actuator should push the suspension when IN1 at COILOUTF is positive.
Since OSEM value becomes larger when suspension is pushed from the coil because OSEM flag is pulled out, phase from each coil to each OSEM should be zero at DC.
So, it is necessary to flip the sign of COILOUTF gain to be actuator sign as a nominal ones.

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