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AOS (Baffles & Beam dumps)
tomotada.akutsu - 18:26 Friday 21 June 2024 (30050) Print this report
Re-installing black shield plates on the OMMT1 and OSTM suspension structures.

Washimi, R. Takahashi, Aso, Akutsu


Four black sheild plates, which were detached the other day (29804), got back. Unfortunately due to some less inter-communication, some black-head screws could not come back to the original positions, but I gave up further efforts to help the situation.


After some optical and mechanical adjustment have done (to be reported by someone separately), we re-installed the black shield plates that had been detached the other day (29804) onto the OMMT1 (Figs. 1-2) and OSTM (Figs. 3-4) suspension structures.

Unfortunately due to some less inter-communication (see 30031, which is a comment to 30030), some unexpected issues happened.

  • Maybe some screws that were used for these shield plates were mis-used to attach the other shiedl plates in 30030.
  • Maybe some spring washers were used, even doubly used during 30030.

As a result, two screws were missing for fixing the shield plate to the side of the OSTM suspension structure, while a certain number of flat washers were left... I have no idea where they should be. This shuold not happen if one would do things properly. Of course mis-assembly might be fully un-avoidable, but at least, such mis-assemblying should be reported, if any, but I could not find any of them. I could not help anymore such situation, so I gave up; the uncovered screw holes seemingly metallic silver, which should not be appropriate for stray-light mitigation, though.

Remaining stuff

  • Do not forget to get back one beam dump that were also detached the other day. See 29804.
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