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takahiro.yamamoto - 17:09 Monday 10 June 2024 (29820) Print this report
some of DQ channels on k1asc were accidentally removed


As I found in an another work (klog#29803, some channels were accidentally removed by the model update on last Friday (klog#29795).
Some of "DAQ channels" blocks in k1asc seemed to be broken during the model modification.
We must find and fix the broken "DAQ channels" blocks and after then k1asc must be rebuilt and restarted (and also DAQ must be restarted).


When I checked the data rate on each front-end computers, I noticed the amount of data between k1asc and k1dc0 decreased by the model updates in spite of adding lots of new DQ channels according to klog#29445. At first, I doubt the difference of data compression rate between locked and unlocked (show digital zero stably). But a difference of the data rate before (4312kB/s) and after (3693kB/s) the model update seemed to be too large. So I compared the DQ channel list before (/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/chans/daq/archive/K1ASC_240607_110449.ini) and after (/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/chans/daq/archive/K1ASC_240607_111022.ini) the model update.

According to my comparison, only 4 channels were added to DQ list (see the 1st attachment) and lots of channels were removed from DQ list (see the 2nd attachment). Added 4 channels seems to correspond to the right figure in page 6 of the attachment on klog#29445. But channels shown in the left figure in a same page of this attachment are not contained in the current DQ list. So the "DAQ channels" block shown in left figure seems to be broken (it changed from plain text to html format on the model file by undesirable operation on the right-click menu of matlab). And also a part of removed channels are matched with channels in the "DQ channels" block which seemed to be broken. (I couldn't check all of them because there is ~100 missing channels and order of these missing channels are different on the DQ list on the model files and on the conf file for DAQ.)

Anyway, we should check these missing channels one by one and after fixing this issue, k1asc must be rebuilt, installed and restarted. Fixing way is to remove broken "DAQ channels" blocks and re-generate new blocks. It may be easier to do rollback to the previous model once than to re-generate the "DAQ channels" block because a number of channels in one block is too large.
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