D. Chen, Akutsu
Following 28326. Detached two shield plates from the MCe suspension structure like in 28331 prior to repair the broken parts in the suspesion. Please never come close to the stocked shield plates on the IMC_TRANS optical table, as their surface are quite fragile (Fig. 1).
Two shield plates in the +/-Y directions of the MCe suspension were detached in the similar manner as reported in 28331. In the -Y direction (namely front-side one), Fig. 2 shows the situation on the way of our work; two screws were remaining, and they were removed later. We put 4 studs bolts to support the detached plate (Fig. 3), where the side facing us was facing in -Y direction. In the +Y direction (namely back-side one), Figs. 4 and 5 shows the situation on the way of our work as well. The removed plate was stacked on the front-side one. In Fig. 6, the side facing us was facing in -Y direction. Then we brought the assembly of the front and back side plates on the IMC_TRANS optical table (see Fig. 1 again).