[Aso, kTanaka, Ushiba]
We aligned GRX by using picomirros installed by Akutsu-san before (klog21158).
These picomotor can be used from PICO named POP (fig1)
In fig1, we also see how much steps we moved for realigning GRX.
During the work, we found that in-vac POM (steering mirror just behind PR2) was connected to pico driver.
However, we don't want to move it because the in-vac POM is used not only for GR but also foreward and reflected IR.
So, we disconnected cables from picomotor diver not tomove it accidentially.
After that, we realign PNC and fringe becomes large and stable (fig2).
Figure 3 shows the OLTF of PNCX, which is almost the same as before (gain is about 2dB smaller but it is acceptable).
After the above work, we locked PRFPMI and confirmed that PRFPMI good alignment can be compatible with GRX good alignment (fig4).