[Ikeda, Yuzu]
I checked when the DAQ was restarted after September by checking the channel K1:GRD-SYS_DAQ_STATE_N on the ndscope.
I added the information of the DAQ restart to the text file and the durations of IPC glitches. I partially found information about which model was updated at the DAQ restart. However, such information was not stored in the klog.
Comments on number of IPC glitch
- I can't find the apparent relationship between the number of IPC glitches and the timing of the DAQ restart.
- One thing: after the DAQ restart on 10/23, the IPC glitch seems to be carm, compared with other DAQ restarts.
- DAQ restart on 10/04
- Even though the DAQ restart was done at 4:59, the long IPC glitches (duration > 1 s) appeared before the DAQ restart. It continued for over one hour. The process of make affects?
- Long IPC glitch with duration > 1 s
- When the long IPC glitches occur, they occur continuously, such as 10/04, 10/16, or 10/24.
- After 10/28, the long IPC glitches disappeared. Note that the power outage happened on 10/27.
- I doubted that the number of IPC glitches on the weekend was less than on weekdays. But it's not true.
- Ikeda-san might provide the information of which the real-time models were updated at each the DAQ restart,