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keita.kawabe - 17:33 Tuesday 05 September 2023 (26638) Print this report
Comment to Strange ASC offset when IMC CMS IN2 switch is closed. (26622)

IMC WFS (QPD1) demode phase was off by ~45deg for all quadrants.

What was done: Injected a 10Hz signal into DGCARM_EXC (which is connected to EXCB of Summing node?) which is routed to CARM servo board which is routed to MC servo board In2. We're basically making frequency modulation on laser which should be detected in I-phase for IMC WFS. Demod phase was changed to roughly minimize Q phase. Before the measurement, IMC ASC was turned off, IMC servo IN2 gain was set to 0dB (nominally -10) and the awg amplitude was set to 100. After the measurement IN2 gain was set back to -10dB.

1st attachment -> before the demod phase adjustment of IMC QPD1. All quadrants were off by ~45deg.

2nd attachment -> after the demod phase adjustment.


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