[Kawabe, Ushiba]
We found that IMC transmission was reduced when ALS_CARM fast loop was engaged (IMC CMS IN2 was closed).
After several investigation, when IMC CMS IN2 switch was closed, IMC_ASC_DOF4_Y signals were drifted and saturated.
First, we thought it was related to ALS signals but seemed not because even we opened the switch on FAST path of CARM CMS, this offset was also happened.
Since it didn't seem to happen during yesterday's finesse measurement, this strange offset seemed to be appeared during the work today.
So, we need to investigate the reason and fix it as soon as possible.
Since I have no time to post the detail today, I will do it tomorrow.
Due to this strange behaviour, IMC seems unstable when IMC CMS IN2 is closed.
So, it is difficult to lock IR locks and ALS_CARM at this moment.