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hirose.chiaki - 4:12 Thursday 09 March 2023 (24322) Print this report
Re-measured error signals of Yarm ASC

Continued with this work(klog24036)

I measured error signals again. I will summarize these results. The data is located at...

ITMY_PIT: /20230309/{0011}
ITMY_YAW: /20230309/{0049}
ETMY_PIT: /20230308/{2218}, /20230309/{0136,0244}
ETMY_YAW: /20230308/{2337}, /20230309/{0203,0310}

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hirose.chiaki - 16:03 Friday 10 March 2023 (24358) Print this report

The results of this work(klog24322) only are plotted.

Only the WFS2 results from EY_PIT seemed to be less reproducible with three results.

Error signals for the other degrees of freedom had no offset and the EY results were reproducible.

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hirose.chiaki - 6:52 Saturday 11 March 2023 (24372) Print this report

I measured error signals of IY again. 

The data is located at ... 
ITMY_PIT: ./{0216/,0310/}
ITMY_YAW: ./{0243/,0337/}

The figure was plotted including the results to date. ({DOF}_mix_NOtr.png)
The following table summarized when it was measured.
Transmission power was plotted after the 14th day.({DOF}_mix_tr.png)

date/DoF 1/11 1/12 1/14 1/17 1/17_2 3/8 3/8_2 3/8_3 3/11 3/11_2 Num
IY_PIT     8
IY_YAW         6
EY_PIT     8
EY_YAW         6
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