Hayakawa-san turned off the SR cooler around 10:50 JST. (https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=24100)
Then, some peaks are reduced or vanished in the OMC leg ACC signal.
Hayakawa-san turned off the SR cooler around 10:50 JST. (https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=24100)
Then, some peaks are reduced or vanished in the OMC leg ACC signal.
In this process, he misunderstood that "off" means "cooler mode off". So the SR-C cooler was operated in "flow mode" and produced vibration until he completely turned off the power of SR-C around 10:50 today.
I calculated the current OMC ground vibration noise on the DARM, based on the current vibration and the previous response function measured on 2022-02-16.