Hayakawa-kun's team did the followings to avoid vibration in the OMC area,
- 13:10 -- The precision cooler near SR2 was off.
- 13:11 -- BS-C Daikin cooler ON. Change the airflow by a fan from to BS area to SR area.
- 13:13 -- SR-C Daikin cooler and the dehumidifier in front of it were off. The sunrise oil heater was off.
- 13:14 -- close the mouse of the air evacuator in the pre-room (The fan itself is situated in the parking area. This fan has terrible noise in the parking as you know). turn off the noisy dehumidifier in the front room.
- 13:48 -- Dehumidifier in front of BS-C was ON
Another sound and vibration noise in the corner station is a fan in the parking. I am now asking Hayakawa-kun whether we can stop it or not.