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hirose.chiaki - 7:54 Thursday 02 February 2023 (23778) Print this report
Yarm ASC relocked : Checked sensing matrix and coupling, measured U.G.F and spectrum

Continued from klog23777.
Yarm ASC was relocked. I don't know why the results were totally different yesterday, but it is possible that it was clipping. Today the transmission power was 1.02 and the reflection power was 0.21.
I checked sensing matrix and coupling. I got the same results of sensing matrix as before. Coupling was very little.
I measured U.G.F and spectrum. IY and EY mirrors increased noise and TRANS power decreased noise by 0.01 on the low-frequency side when ASC was turned on. 

Sensing matrix : The result is almost the same as before.
Before is klog23230. After is /users/Commissioning/data/ASC/2022/REFL_WFS/Yarm/Sensmat/230202/TF_ASC_Yarm_REFLWFS_OPLEV_{ITMY, ETMY}_{P, Y}.xml 

before/after b a b a b a b a
QPD1 17MHz PIT 775.671 910.453 -1339.92 -1380.21        
QPD2 17MHz PIT -1944.91 -1953.86 119.116 159.244        
QPD1 17MHz YAW         -1359.92 -1354.48 -1486.03 -1316.7
QPD2 17MHz YAW         2472.84 2484.28 911.57 971.019

Coupling : Couplings are almost small. (DHARD→ETMY, DSOFT→ITMY) 
/users/Commissioning/data/ASC/2022/REFL_WFS/Yarm/Sensmat/230202/{ITMY, ETMY}_{PIT, YAW}.xml
U.G.F :  I could measure U.G.F of DSOFT(ITMY). But U.G.F of DHARD was measured halfway because U.G.F is lower so it takes a long time to measure. The phase margin of all degrees of freedom is more than 50deg, which is stable.

U.G.F[Hz](Rough value) 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.11

Spectrum: IY, EY mirrors (OPLEV signals) increased noise on the low-frequency side when ASC was turned on. Also, QPDs of TRANS increased noise a little on the low-frequency side, especially in PIT direction. However, Yarm frequency noise remained the same with ASC turned on.  And, the low-frequency side of TRANS power decreased noise by 0.01.

About WFS DC offset: This time, the WFS DC offset was measured when the ADS was turned off, and I inserted it into WFS filter offset. But even with the filter offset turned off, the ASC in all degrees of freedom did not lock loss. I checked the transmission power(K1:LSC-TR_IRY_NORM_OUT_DQ) with or without the filter offset. Both results were almost the same. (I will consider this again later.)

  transmission power
With the filter offset 1.013 +/- 0.011
Without the filter offset 1.014 +/- 0.013

I put the time series of when ASC turned on after removing the tilt of IMMT2 and PR2 moved by ADS. The ASC kept for about 3 hours. (This was without the filter offset) However, I am concerned that the transmission power decreased slightly.

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