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lucia.trozzo - 16:49 Wednesday 16 November 2022 (22932) Print this report
New IP blending with the Geophones and the LVDTs sensor corrected has been tested and implemented

This klog refers to the past day's work.
As already done for IX, EX, and EY, I estimated the noise of the LVDT, seismometer, and geophone as sensors involved in the sensor fusion.
Pic1, Pic2, and Pic3 show the estimated noise along the L, T, and Y directions of each sensor mentioned above.
Then I measured the spectra of IP_{L,T,Y}, B_{L,T} and TM_{L,P,Y} when the following configuration where on:
1) IP: LVDT control
2) IP: LVDT sensor corrected
3) IP: blending @80 mHz along L and T and blending @150 mHz along Y.
4) IP: new blending @80 mHz along L and T and blending @110 mHz along Y.
5) IP: new blending @80 mHz along L and T and blending @110 mHz along Y. UGF of the loops @ 1 Hz.
Pic4, Pic5, and Pic6 show the spectra of the IP compared to the CL noise and rms when configurations 1,2, and 3 are on. Also here, It is possible to see that by changing from LVDT control to ID control the rms and the re-injection of the seismic noise via LVDT are reduced, but there are still some rooms to improve the situation by reshaping the blending and control filters.
Pic.7 and Pic 8 show the IP spectra when configurations 4 and 5 are on. The rms along the 3 DOF are reduced.
Pic9 shows the spectra of IP acquired by the out-of-loop sensor H4. Here It is possible to see that changing from LVDT control to ID 80 mHz new and UGF 1 Hz, the suppression of the micro-seismic noise is about a factor of 17.8 in terms of rms.
Pic10 and Pic11 show the BF spectra along L and T directions. Also here it is possible to see the benefits of the new strategy: a factor of 2 of reduction in terms of rms in the frequency region [0.120-0.350]
Pic12, Pic13, and Pic14 show the TM spectra along L, P, and Y directions. No evidence of re-injection of geophone noise below 0.1 Hz has been detected.

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Comments to this report:
ryutaro.takahashi - 16:06 Tuesday 22 November 2022 (23000) Print this report

Pic 3 is the same as Pic.2.

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