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satoru.ikeda - 16:21 Friday 10 June 2022 (21102) Print this report
Comment to mx_stream hung up on K1PR2 and K1IY0 (20435)

[Ikeda, Yamamoto-san]

This is a continuation of K-Log#20895.


Currently, the frequency of DAQ Timing error (0x4000) occurs several times/day.
With the goal of improving this, we will try a different setting than the LIGO setting.

Try the following measures
1. Change the correspondence of changing daqd to FIFO, which is done in k1dc0, to fw0, fw1, tw0, tw1, nds0, nds1, and bcst, respectively.
 Currently, the default value is TS.
 Leave nds2 as it is for now.

2. Result of K-Log#20895-2
 $ sudo renice -n -20 -p 12022
There was no significant result in this response, so I'll change FE's mx_stream to FIFO as well.
 mx_stream is currently the default in TS.

1.Change daqd of fw0,fw1,tw0,tw1,nds0,nds1,bcst from TS to FIFO.
Refer to dc0 for details.
exec su controls -c '/opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/k1daqdc0/daqd -c /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/k1daqdc0/daqdrc' > /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/logs/daqd.dc0.log 2>& 1 &
sleep 1
LISTPID=$(pidof daqd); PIDS=(${LISTPID// / }); for val in "${PIDS[@]}"; do sudo chrt -f -p 99 ${val}; done
wait $PID
 The file was backed up before the change.

2. Change mx_stream to FIFO (add chrt).

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -b -m --pidfile /var/log/ --exec /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/mx_stream -- -e 0 -r "$epnum" -s "$sys" -d k1dc0:0 -w 0 -W 0 -l /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/target/fb/mx_stream_logs/$hostname.log
chrt -f -p 99 `cat /var/log/` (in Japanese)

Work procedure
HDD replacement of k1boot was done in K-Log#21012.
However, after updating the FE model file and restarting the model, an error occurred that FS could not write.
Therefore, all FEs need to be rebooted.

We proceeded with the following steps.
While performing the restart, other actions were also performed.

1. Stopped or restarted FE.
 Stop all but both ends: sudo shutdown -h now
 Restart both ends: sudo shutdown -r now

2.FE,DAQ maintenance was done. (Yamamoto-san)
 DAQ was changed to FIFO. (Ikeda)

3.After restarting all FE and DAQ, changed mx_stream to FIFO and restarted DAQ.

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