After getting rid, to a good extent, of the bumps in measured IP transfer functions, I calculated inter-calibration factors between geophones and LVDTs in L, T and Y.
In klog entry 20778, the ratio ( IPL-lvdt / IPL-geo ) is shown in dB, which is not a suitable scale. For this analysis the appropriate scale is linear. What I did is the following:
- I measured the usual IP transfer function in L, T and Y, using the LVDTs and the geophones.
- Using the cost function written in klog 20410 for SRM, I calculated the inter-calibration factor a, which should multiply the geophone transfer function.
The results are the following and are also shown in the plots:
- Longitudinal: 1.02922
- Transverse: 1.03941
- Yaw: 0.97688
These values still have to be written in the filter banks.