I measured transfer functions with the aim of later doing the intercalibration between geophones and LVDTs, following the guidelines in klog 20410.
The files are in /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/vis_commissioning/sr2/inter_calibration/
I measured transfer functions with the aim of later doing the intercalibration between geophones and LVDTs, following the guidelines in klog 20410.
The files are in /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/vis_commissioning/sr2/inter_calibration/
It was pointed out to me by Terrence, that the quantity that I was using from the geophones was the velocity rather than the displacement. Therefore, I turned the integrator on and measured the transfer functions again.
The coincidence between the measurement made with the geophones and LVDTs is good, so I guess the inter calibration was done already. However, there are small bumps around 1 Hz, that may suggest that the calibration filters of the geophones are inaccurate.
I measured transfer functions from IP actuation in yaw to the individual geophone outputs. Besides measuring the usual geophone output in units of displacement, I also measured the raw output in number of counts. The aim is to check each of the calibration filters and identify the reason of the yaw transfer function having a bump at 1 Hz (see Fig. 3).
The file is at /kagra/Dropbox/Subsystems/VIS/vis_commissioning/sr2/inter_calibration/
I calculated a new preliminary calibration filter for H1 geophone. It corrects a bump that appeared at 1 Hz in the transfer function when using the previous filter. This bump also appears in the TFs for H2 and H3, which also need correction. See screenshot.
A more detailed description will follow.
After calculating new calibration transfer functions for the geophones (klog yet to be written), I went back to checking the inter-calibration between the geophones and LVDTs. The plot shows the transfer function for IP-L, measured with the LVDTs and the geophones. The coincidence is already very good. Still, I'll take a quantitative look at the data.
After getting rid, to a good extent, of the bumps in measured IP transfer functions, I calculated inter-calibration factors between geophones and LVDTs in L, T and Y.
In klog entry 20778, the ratio ( IPL-lvdt / IPL-geo ) is shown in dB, which is not a suitable scale. For this analysis the appropriate scale is linear. What I did is the following:
The results are the following and are also shown in the plots:
These values still have to be written in the filter banks.
I added the inter-calibration factors, reported in klog 20812, to filters banks SR2_IP_ACCBLEND_{ACCL,ACCT,ACCY}, under the names intercal_{LVDTL,LVDTT,LVDTY}. I turned them on and then I updated the SDF.