[Ushiba, Tamaki]
We did actuator balancing of TM in for ITMX.
First, we change the gain in TM OpLev and rewrite sensing matrix based on results we got last week (klog 17627).
Then, to balance actuator, we got power spectrum of WIT (K1:VIS-ITMX_TM_WIT_{P,Y}_DQ) and calculate how we set the value of gain of MN COILOUTF (K1:VIS-ITMX_MN_COILOUTF_{H1,H2,H3,V1,V3}_OUTPUT).
(We didn't measure V2 because there is no sensor.)
We excited Y (100 counts, 10), and P (500 counts, 20) resonant mode and cut excitation signal (Fig1 and Fig2).
The spectrum we got is Fig3 and 4 (File is in /users/VISsvn/TypeApayload/ITMX/Spectra/20210728).
By this spectrum, we got values of magnitude at peak:
H1 73.7734
H2 84.7007
H3 78.2752
V1 110.705
V3 105.170
From this value, we determined the gain like below (Fig 5)
H1 1.00
H2 -0.871
H3 -0.942
V1 0.950
V3 -1.00
At last, we accept SDF.
Since we did't have enough time, so we couldn't do Photodetector sensing.