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masahide.tamaki - 1:17 Saturday 24 July 2021 (17627) Print this report
Calculation of ITMX TM SENSALIGN matix

[Ushiba, Tamaki]

We calculated ITMX TM sensing matrix and checked it's performance.

First, we modified calibration factor for TILT {VER, HOR} as follows.
TILT HOR (YAW): 104.7 [urad/count]
TILT VER (PIT): 119.6 [urad/count]

Then, to caluculate sensing matrix, we got power spectrums of TM OpLev's PIT, YAW, and LEN motion (K1:VIS-ITMX_TM_OPLEV_TILT_{VER, HOR}_OUT_DQ and K1:VIS-ITMX_TM_OPLEV_LEN_HOR_OUT_DQ).
We excited L (100 counts), P (40 counts), and Y (10 counts) resonant mode and cut excitation signal and see spectra of TM OpLevs during free decay.
These spetrums are in /users/VISsvn/TypeApayload/ITMX/Spectra/20210723 (Filename: 20210723_10:45.xml, 20210723_11:35.xml and 20210723_14:12.xml), or please see atattched figures (Fig 2-4).
To exite, we used the resonant frequency we got from figures in /kagra/Dropbox/Measurements/VIS/figures/TYPEA.
When we exited LEN, coupling from PIT motion also appeared, so we swung BF.
The matrix we calculated is here.

LEN 1 0 0.053
PIT 0.136 1 0.046
YAW 0.356 -0.076 1

From the inverse of the above matrix, we obtained the decoupling matrix as follows (Fig1):

LEN HOR 1.0197 -0.0041 -0.0539
TILT VER -0.1216 0.9970 -0.0396
TILT HOR -0.3723 0.07723 1.0162

Finaly, we checked the performance of this decoupling matrix, and confirmed that it worked well-nigh (Fig5-7).
Only L to Y coupling has some trouble.
Moreover, LEN noise level is high. This is related to the fact that calibration factor of ITMX TM OpLev LEN HOR (418.2 [um/cnt]) is higer than other factors (17497).

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Comments to this report:
takafumi.ushiba - 8:52 Monday 26 July 2021 (17637) Print this report

After the diagonalization matrix measurement, we reverted the calibration factor for TM YAW and PIT in order not to change the good oplev values for them.
However, current calibration factor is slightly lower than the values which we (Yokozawa-san, Tamaki-kun, B4 students from Toyama, and I) calculated.

Our calculation was done indivisually and all calculation shows the same values (104.7 urad/cnt for YAW and 119.6 urad/cnt for PIT).
So, it seems that current calibration factor is wrong and needs to be fixed when the Gr beam (or IR beam) reflected at ITMX can be seen at proper PDs.

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