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jenne.driggers - 22:32 Wednesday 18 September 2019 (10595) Print this report
ETMY oplev diagonalization; ETMY L to L transfer functions

[Lucia, Luca, Jenne]

Today we diagonalized the ETMY optical levers using the free swinging data after Masayuki kicked the suspensions this morning (klog 10581).  The first attachment shows the original signals from the oplevs on the left, and the result after the diagonalization of the input matrix on the right.  Note that the yaw resonance is at about 0.35 Hz, and the length is about 0.64 Hz. The plot on the right after diagonalization is just the input matrix applied to the original data, so certainly our actual decoupling won't be as good as this plot implies.  To do the diagonalization we found the peak heights for each resonance in the two QPD outputs, and inverted the resulting matrix.  We then made the plot on the right to confirm that our inverted matrix made sense.  When we implemented the matrix, we normalized the yaw row of the matrix by the tilt_yaw -> yaw element, and normalized the length row of the matrix by the len_yaw -> length element.

After that, we measured the transfer functions driving each of the lowest 3 stages in length, and measured the test mass oplev length signal.  The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attachments are these measurements.  In each of the measurement plots I have also included the TypeA transfer function, exported from foton from the relevant stages' TM oplev damping filter bank.  For the test mass stage, I took it from ETMX since ETMY didn't have a susmodel filter, but it should basically be the same.  The models assume no damping, but we did indeed have damping on during our measurements.  The blue traces are the measured data points.  There aren't any error bars plotted, but the measurements match the model fairly well, which means that we can trust the models when using them to design offloading of the DARM control to the upper stages of ETMY.   For each of these measurements, the drive went through the LOCK_L filter bank of the relevant stage.  To do this, I turned off the input of the Lock_L filter bank (just in case), and made sure that the gain was 1, the output was on, and I turned off any filters that were on.  A trick that we used here, to avoid ringing up suspension resonances, was to individually chose what frequencies to measure, and what amplitude of drive to use.

Rana is working on the model of the ETMY suspension so that we can design offloading filters to pull the low frequency DARM control signal to the MN stage of ETMY, leaving only the higher frequency components on the test mass. 

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Comments to this report:
masayuki.nakano - 4:58 Saturday 21 September 2019 (10643) Print this report

I re-do the diagonalization of the oplev for the ETMY.

- In privious diagonalization, they used the resonance at 0.65 Hz, but it might not good because there is the resonance for the transverse mode. The first attached figure shows the resonance around 0.65 Hz and you can see it splits into two peaks. The mirror is tilted from the transverse direction of the whole suspension, the T motion can be detected in yaw oplev.
- I used the resonance around 0.2 Hz for the yaw diagonaization. In the second figure, you can see that the yaw oplev and the lengh oplev has coherence at almost all frequencies below 0.6 Hz. And from the fact that the 0.2 Hz is the resonance of the pendulum mode, yaw oplev might only see the length motion in these frequencies.
- It was difficult to diagonalize pitch. This might be due to the mechanical coupling of the pitch and the longitudinal motion. The responce around 0.2 Hz in the second figure indicate it.
- The length oplev was diagonalized from yaw by using the resonance of yaw at 0.31 Hz.

The result is shown in the third figure. The yaw signal seems to be diagonalized at several peaks (0.2Hz, 0.95 Hz,...). The high frequency is not the result of the diagonalization, but it might be the acoustic noise or scattered light noise?

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masayuki.nakano - 21:43 Saturday 21 September 2019 (10657) Print this report

I forgot one thing.

- The pitch signal seems to have a coupling with yaw. I diagonalized it by using the resonance at 3.1 Hz

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