PEM (Center)takaaki.yokozawa - 12:24 Tuesday 18 February 2025 (32721)
Print this reportSet the additional shakers around IFI area[Sato, Ohashi, Yokozawa]
We performed the installation of the additional shakers around the IFI shaker. Before that, we performed the cable connection, vibration test and various shaker injection with 128 Hz vibration around the IFI chamber. From this result, chamber leg may not affect to DARM, Feed through and cable may not affect to DARM, Chamber itself several affect to DARM So, as the first step, we decided to install one new shaker on the beam duct, and remaining two new shakers installed to the remaining bellows leg.
Mini shaker1 (Already installed) On the bellows at the -X side K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_9_EXC
Mini shaker2 (New) On the beam duct between IFI and IMM chamber K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_10_EXC
Mini shaker3 (New) On the bellows at the +X+Y side K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_11_EXC
Mini shaker4 (New) On the bellows at the +X-Y side K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_12_EXC
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Comments to this report:
takaaki.yokozawa - 12:32 Tuesday 18 February 2025 (32724)
Print this reportI performed the shaker injection test using the mini shaker2
Mini shaker2 (New) On the beam duct between IFI and IMM chamber K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_10_EXC
2025/02/18 11:29:30 - Small shaker IFI beam duct Excitation : K1:PEM-EXCITATION_MCF0_RACK_10_EXC 50 - 200 Hz, 1Hz resolution, 10 s in each measurement, 300 cnt
takaaki.yokozawa - 11:40 Thursday 20 February 2025 (32752)
Print this report[Sato, Yokozawa]
We installed the accelerometers near the mini shakers.
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takaaki.yokozawa - 8:58 Wednesday 05 March 2025 (32892)
Print this report[YokozaWashimi]