Yokozawa, Ushiba, Tanaka
related to klog31986 (REFL), klog31992 (MCE TRANS), klog32330 (IMC REFL)
The optical layout on the AS table is here. Optics name convention as below is followed as the ones in this layout. Working photo are saved in the KAGRA dropbox.
## Abstract
We checked the beam path (OMC {TRANS, REFL}, AS) on the AS table when X-arm was locked. The beam position of almost all of the optics seem to be fine in the OMC TRANS and AS path, except for the HWP3 in the AS path. We shifted the HWP3 and tweaked the mirrors in front of PDs and QPDs for the centering. We found that there are some ghosts around the beam dump and HWP1. We should dump them after the new dumpers are delivered.
On the other hand, the beam position on the periscope upper mirror in OMC REFL path seems to be shifted from the center and clipped. So we need to lower the position of this mirror. However, we have no time today. We will do it later.
## What we did
We checked the beam path (OMC {TRANS, REFL}, AS) on the AS table when X-arm was locked.
### OMC TRANS path
First, we checked the beam in the OMC TRANS path. We found that the beam power in this path was too low to see the beam postion on the optics with the IR camera. So we used a sensor card to check the beam position. The beam positions seem to be fine.
### AS path
Next, we checked the beam in the AS path. The beam position on HWP3 was shifted in the -Y direction. So we shifted HWP3 to the -Y direction. The beam postions on the other optics until the QPD path seems to be almost center. The beam positions on the mirrors in the QPD path seemed to be off center slightly. Therefore, we tweaked STM4 and ST12 for QPD2 centering and BS3 and ST3 for QPD1 centering.
After that, we tweaked the steering mirrors to center RFPDs and the AS camera.
Also, we found that there are some ghost beams around the beam dumper (fig.1) and HWP1 (fig.2). We should dump them after the new dumpers are delivered.
### OMC REFL path
Finally, we started to check the OMC REFL path. We turned off the ceiling light above the OMC booth and we took the photo of the periscope upper mirror in the path (Fig. 3). The beam position seems to be shifted from the center and clipped. So we need to lower the position of this mirror. However, we have no time today. We will do it later.
## Note
We left the SD card of the camera in front of the k1ctr9 PC. Do not forget to bring the card before using the IR camera.