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MIF (ITF Control)
masayuki.nakano - 0:47 Wednesday 29 January 2020 (12681) Print this report
CARM signal demod phase optimization

- The demodulation phase for the CARM signal (RF45) rotated by 90 degree. I cabled the Q-MON of the I/Q demod board to the CARM servo. This is because the limitation of the rotation angle of the analog phase shifter as reported in klog12668.
- Now the CARM loop UGF is 50 kHz, and seems much more stable. I left the IFO locked, and we will see the long term stability.
- I also tried to transit 3f MICH signal to 1f, but it still cannot be stable enough. Actually the RF17Q did not have coherence with RF51Q. I will try again tomorrow.
- DARM OLG was measured again.

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