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MIF (General)
masayuki.nakano - 19:40 Sunday 15 September 2019 (10530) Print this report
Camera on IMMT TRANS

I put a camera on the IMMT TRANS breadboard to watch the beam shape of the transmitted light from the IMMT1. You can see the image of the beam in IMM camera. This is for the beam walking to fix the beam clipping on the IFI.

Rana pointed out that I shoud no use the ND to see the beam shape. However, I need to reduce the beam power, so for the first step, we will try the beam walking with using this image and the image on the IFO REFL. If we would have a problem, I will replace it by the 99 % reflection mirror.


Due to this camera, ISS PD don't have any light right now. Sorrry for inconvinience.

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