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ryousuke.sugimoto - 6:54 Saturday 09 March 2019 (8359) Print this report
Calibration IQ demodulators for REFL

[Izumi, Sugimoto]


Super late report.

3/1 work.


We calibrated the IQ demodulators for RFPDs and RFQPDs on the REFL table.


If we asuume that demodulat the waves of frequency f +f' by I-phase and Q-phase of frequency f respectively, we should be obtain the waves of the same amplitude with a phase shifted by 90 degrees at frequency f'.

However, if f is RF, it is not necessarily.

Therefore, we carried out calibration.

We set  f ' to 100 Hz.

The blank part is the part I forgot to take the data.


Name The gain befor calibration (The rate of Q/I) The phase sift befor calibration [degrees] The gain after calibration (The rate of Q/I) The phase sift after calibration  [degrees] peak to peak voltage after calibration [V]
LSC-REFL-PDA1-RF17 1.05429 -90.7219 0.995342 -90.0145 3.50
LSC-REFL-PDA2-RF51 0.991335 -89.5919 1.00026 -89.9793 2.10
LSC-REFL-PDA2-RF135 0.73891 -87.680 1.0015 -90.0707  
LSC-REFL-PDA1-RF45 1.00127 -88.1976 0.999906 -90.0016 3.50
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF17 ch1 1.01807 -89.6369 1.00018 -89.9992 3.38
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF17 ch2 0.979708 -89.1382 0.999969 -90.0025 3.44
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF17 ch3 0.98467 -89.481 1 -89.9978 3.40
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF17 ch4 1.03072 -88.5935 1.00005 -90.0008 3.38
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF17 ch1 0.96561 -89.4847 1.00002 -89.9991 3.18
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF17 ch2 0.967119 -88.8967 1.00003 -90 3.26
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF17 ch3 0.944296 -89.919 0.999972 -90.0013 3.16
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF17 ch4 0.975703 -89.3181 0.999971 90 3.24
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF45 ch1 1.02017 -89.313 1.00001 -90.0022 3.36
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF45 ch2 1.01029 -89.7181 1.00003 -89.9978 3.30
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF45 ch3 1.02415 -90.6757 1.00001 -89.9986 3.36
ASC-REFL-QPDA1-RF45 ch4 1.01039 -88.6579 0.999954 -89.9981 3.32
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF45 ch1 1.00845 -89.4568 0.99997 -90.0046 3.26
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF45 ch2 1.01756 -89.8436 1.00004 -90.0047  
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF45 ch3 1.01361 -89.6703 1.00005 -89.9988  
ASC-REFL-QPDA2-RF45 ch4 1.02317 -90.3244 0.9999 -90.0025  
However, if f is high, it is not necessarily.
Therefore, we carried out calibration.
If we asuume that demodulat the waves of frequency f +f' by I-phase and Q-phase of frequency f respectively, we should be obtain the waves of the same amplitude with a phase shifted by 90 degrees at frequency f'.
However, if f is high, it is not necessarily.
Therefore, we carried out calibration.
Comments to this report:
ryousuke.sugimoto - 2:04 Wednesday 20 March 2019 (8463) Print this report


How to calibrate IQ demodulator.

In the case of RFPD, for example, when measured the transfer function from I phase to Q phase and the result of gain 0.992, phase -88.603deg is obtained (When conduct a measurement, it is necessary to input 90 deg to the phase from MEDM.), calibration can be performed to gain 1 and phase -90deg by inputting the obtained value like as the first attached image.

At this time, remove the minus to the value input to the phase.

Also in the case of RFQPD, enter the value as in the second attached image.

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