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yoshinori.fujii - 20:51 Thursday 26 July 2018 (5618) Print this report
Geophone implementation to SR3

log on July 25th, 2018:
-After a measurement to check the signals, geo_1, geo2_2 and geo_3 are implemented into SR3-IP stage. The channel assignment is the following;

channel name of SR3 Geophone ID
ACC_H1 geo_1
ACC_H2 geo_2
ACC_H3 geo_3

-In the plot, the channels are:
K1:VIS-SR3_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_1
K1:VIS-SR3_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_2
K1:VIS-SR3_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_3
K1:VIS-SR2_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_4
K1:VIS-SR2_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_5
K1:VIS-SR2_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1 : geo_6

-Reference (which was from Xend-experiment) is geo_4.
-only geo_6 has slightly different spectrum.. This geophone is to beinvestigated again..
-Height of the geo_4 might have to be adjusted by a spacer.
-the oarameters (eta, f0, Ge) will be estimated soon.

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