Sorry for the summarized task report...
On 29th Nov. (Enzo, Kozu, Shoda): damping control on IM stage
We implemented the damping control system at IM stages.
However, it seems that the loop cannot be closed perfectly because of the resonance at high frequencies and couplings.
A little bit more tuning is required.
Damping system for the IP stage will be implemented soon with the same method.
On 30th Nov. (Mark, Shoda): Oplev calibration
We measured the calibration factor from the beam spot displacement (m) to count.
Here, we just ignored the large coupling between the YAW and PITCH caused by the steering mirror, and actuate the QPD stage in horizontal and vertical to see the change in the count.
See the uploaded graph for the results.
And the rotation matrix to compensate the PITCH/YAW coupling was measured by Mark. (Please upload, Mark!)
The final calibration factor should be calculated from both results.
On 1st Dec. (Shoda): Oplev configuration check
We have very small amount of the reflection beam as looking at the QPD sum counts.
While other PR Oplevs have the sum counts of about 30000, BS Oplev has only 1600 for tilt oplevs.
So I checked several parameters:
1. QPD gain:
we have a small switch on the QPD to change the gain. It was set as same as PRs.
2. Reflection beam:
we checked whether the reflection beam is coming from AR or HR. Since the wedge angle of the BS is very small, the reflection beam comes almost parallel.
And we have the lower beam on the QPDs, which should be the reflection from AR because of the geometry.
3. Transmitted beam:
The blightness of the transmitted beam was checked by eyes. As far as I looked, the transmitted beam was blighter than the reflection beam.
4. Power:
I tried to check the power of the oplev beam in order to check the laser source is properly working. However, it is difficult to measure the power less than 1 mW with the power meter I grabbed. According to Nakano-kun, we have another power meter. We should use it next time we want to check.
Still the blightness of the laser source was almost same as one of PRs. I think laser source is working well.
5. Polarization:
I rotated the input collimator in order to change the polarization of the injection beam. Then the sum number of the QPDs are increased by about 63 %.
The sum number was increased to 2600 from 1600.
However, I did not tried fine tuning because it was time consuming to align the beam to QPDs many times after I rotated the collimator.