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MIF (General)
kentaro.komori - 0:46 Wednesday 19 March 2025 (33027) Print this report
Tuning some offsets

[Tanaka, Komori]

Today, we successfully maintained the observation state for several hours.
One contributing factor was the relatively quiet ground motion, while another was the implementation of a new OMC initial alignment scheme using the RF sideband, which will be reported later.
Additionally, the glitch rate that excites the pitch, vertical, roll, and violin modes was significantly lower than in recent observation states.

We attempted offset tuning for the following parameters:

  • Input alignment to the IFO
  • Picomotor adjustment just before the CARM PD
  • PR3 alignment
  • CARM offset
  • Power on the CARM PD
  • DARM offset

However, we did not achieve improved sensitivity by modifying these values from their default settings.
We plan to attempt BPC offset tuning tomorrow.

Comments to this report:
shinji.miyoki - 8:56 Wednesday 19 March 2025 (33030) Print this report

Did so many offset adjustments contribute to avoiding the kick of suspensions and the mirror, for example during handovers or so??

The present stability is too much in contrast with the previous status.

tomotada.akutsu - 9:33 Wednesday 19 March 2025 (33031) Print this report

Just a memo of what I put in the morning meeting: there might be multiple causes for the less-glitching; it might be related to the quiet ground motion via less feedbacks to the relevant local actuators; if you have time please check the relevant feedback signals. The less-glitching might be also related to relaxing the thermal gradient and/or the rate of relative change of thermal gradient in the cryopayload; checking might be interesting.

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