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MIF (General)
hirotaka.yuzurihara - 10:56 Tuesday 18 March 2025 (33021) Print this report
Comment to Kick of the violin mode when PRFPMI_RF_LOCKED (33013)

[Yuzurihara, Obayashi(Aogaku)]

We checked the band-pass filtered time series (same as klog32973) when the interferometer was locked at K1:GRD-LSC_LOCK_STATE_N = 1301 (INCREASING_LAS_POWER).
We also saw that the resonance kick in the frequency band of both violin mode (this was reported by Ushiba-san) and 40~50 Hz occurred when the interferometer was locked by RF_LOCK. In the case of 03/16, we saw this phenomenon for all four RF_LOCK.

In the case of RF_LOCK, we didn't see the clear resonance kick of violin mode in the middle of the lock, except for the starting of RF_LOCK. 

Although we wanted to check the data on 03/17, the data transfer is still underway. 

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