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DGS (General)
takahiro.yamamoto - 10:58 Monday 17 March 2025 (33005) Print this report
Restart k1nds2
As the recovery work from un-planned power outage at Kashiwa, NDS service@k1nds2 was restarted.
Data transfer hasn't been resumed yet. So latest data is now available only on k1nds0 and k1nds1.

According to a rapid report from company people, un-planned power outage occurred around 8:14 at Kashiwa site. At that time, k1nds2 was also disconnected from Kashiwa servers.

Kashiwa servers came back online around 10:30 (I'm not sure they automatically booted up or maintainers recovered them). After recovering Kashiwa servers, the connection from k1nds2 to Kashiwa servers were automatically recovered. But the nds service still continues to output some fatal errors. So I re-connected to Kashiwa server from k1nds2 and restarted daqd/nds services just in case. Unfortunately the nds service still outputs fatal errros. It probably continues until data transfer software will be restarted and latest data will be saved on Kashiwa disk.
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