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MIF (General)
Shuta Tanaka - 14:58 Friday 28 February 2025 (32846) Print this report
Lock duration statistics in January and February 2025
[Yuzurihara, Shuta Tanaka (Aogaku)]

We studied the lock duration of the locked events from 2025-01-19 UTC to 2025-02-23 UTC. A total of 104 events were divided into two groups: 22 events before 2025-02-04 and 82 events after that date. A frequency distribution of lock durations was created for each group Additionally, only the events during 10 W operation were extracted to generate a separate frequency distribution. The tables and their corresponding graphs are attached. Pie charts were created to visualize the proportions of each category. No indication was found that event duration were shorter during 10 W operation compared to 1 W one. Before 2025-02-04, half of the events had durations of 1,024 sec. or less, but after that date, this proportion decreased to about 40%.
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