I tested a newly purchased small shaker (~3,000 JPY, 4Ω, 25W) and a portable audio amplifier (Topping PA3S, both single-end and balanced-differential inputs are available) using KAGRA's DAC/ADC at the IY0 rack.
To connect the DAC output (balanced-differential signal) to amplifiers, I made a Dsub9 -> XLR connector cable. Its pin-assign follows the world standard. It is available for our large speaker's amplifier (QSC RMX850).
Since the input port of the portable audio amplifier is 6.35mm TRS, I used a commercial XLR -> TRS connector cable.
They have been tested in Mozumi yesterday.
I located the small shaker and an ACC (TEAC710) on the floor and measured their transfer functions with an amplitude of 100 counts (~30mV). The volume plug of the portable audio amplifier was max.
Plots 1 : 0-8000 Hz white noise injection (black lines are the background level, measured by turning off the audio amplifier)
Plots 2 : 10-200 Hz white noise injection
Plots 3 : 20-220 Hz, 1Hz step swept sine injection
To derive enough SNR around 100Hz, the DAC output amplitude may need to be larger.
The maximum input voltage for this amplifier is not shown, but typically, it is 0.5~2 V.